Parent Conferences February 26th and February 27th

It’s that time again! Team conferences will be held in an open-house style. Please bring your child with you so that you can hear from them what they have been learning during the last trimester. Plan on staying for about 20 minutes sometime between 2:50 and 6:20. We look forward to seeing you!

Parent Conferences November 13th and 14th

Fall parent-teacher conferences will be held during the evenings of Wednesday, November 13th and Thursday, November 14th. These conferences will be student-led in an open-house format. Students will share the learning portfolios they’ve created and their 1st semester reflections. Teachers will circulate and answer parent questions throughout the evening. Since these conferences are student-led, please plan on having your child attend with you.

In preparation for the conference, students evaluate their learning, make notes about what they learned, how they improved, and what areas still need work. They will put together a portfolio of their work and reflections of the progress they are making in each class. On the day of the conference, students share this portfolio with their parents, explaining areas of strength and weakness and goals for future learning.

As teachers, we will provide students with the knowledge and strategies that will allow them to be self-sufficient on the day of their conference. We will be there for support and encouragement and to answer any additional questions you may have.

Team 6A Teachers

Back-to-School Night

Smithton will be hosting a 6th grade Back-to-School Night event on Tuesday, September 3rd.  Please join us from 6:00-8:00 to learn about your child’s daily activities.  We look forward to seeing you soon!